
CA Curious

CA Admissions Office – a staff of hundreds!

September 27, 2017

While you may think the school year has just begun, the admissions office is already actively engaged in the admissions process for 18-19. A worthwhile but somewhat daunting task for the four full-time members of the CA Admissions Office but thankfully we have a staff of hundreds! Our parent and student ambassador programs have enabled us to expand our reach with prospective families. This “word-of-mouth” marketing is the most effective method to advertise our school as parents and students share authentic experiences and success stories with prospective families.

Our families have always advocated for Cary Academy but the PTAA New Parent Programs Committee has greatly enhanced our Parent Ambassador program. At every Tour and Information Session members of the committee serve as greeters, registration, tour guides, and participate in the question and answer sessions. They also provide private tours for prospective families during the school year. Private tours with a Parent Ambassador have become a very popular avenue for prospective families to explore CA and parents typically provide 1-2 tours every week from September through May. Our Parent Ambassadors serve as welcoming parents to new families joining the school community; they contact new families throughout the summer and into the new school year to try to serve as mentors and assist the transition into our school. The New Parent Program Committee also host coffees and dinners for families during orientation activities. Membership of the committee totals well over 100 parents. The work of the committee continues to evolve and has become a driving force in generating excitement and interest in Cary Academy.

But adults aren’t the only MVP’s to our office! Our Student Ambassadors love to share their enthusiasm for their school with others. They serve as one-on-one hosts for applicants on their visit day escorting them to classes and answering questions about our programs. As their schedule permits, Student Ambassadors also provide tours for potential families. They assist the admission office during Tour and Information Sessions serving as greeters and panelists during question and answer sessions. Upper School Student Ambassadors follow up with newly admitted US students to answer questions and provide information about the Upper School. Approximately 100 Upper School students and 125 Middle School students serve as Student Ambassadors.

The admissions office enjoys the enthusiastic support of our parents and students. While we are a small office, we feel “mighty” with our team of Parent and Student Ambassadors and potential families are fortunate to have the opportunity to have candid conversations with them. Clearly members of our school community believe in Cary Academy and this collaborate effort illustrates our values at work.

Written by Denise Goodman, Director of Admissions and Financial Aid

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