

Twanna Monds

Director of Student Support Services & Upper School Counselor

Twanna Monds joined the Cary Academy team in July 2019. Prior to joining Cary Academy, she served as Department Chair, Dean of Students, and Lead District Counselor in North Carolina public school system. With close to 20 years of experience, Twanna has been an educator as a middle school teacher and college instructor. She holds certifications as a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor, Career Development Facilitator, and National Board-Certified Teacher in School Counselor. In her current role as Director of Student Support Services for grades 10-12, she oversees all student support services staff, including counselors, learning specialists, and the transition coordinator. Her goal is to ensure that all students are visible, safe, and a member of an accepting environment by supporting all students' psychological, academic, and social development.

BA/Indiana University

M.Ed/University of Cincinnati

PhD candidate/North Carolina State University


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