New Center for Math and Science at Cary Academy


Groundbreaking learning requires a campus not afraid to break new ground.

January 15, 2018

“We needed a building that could respond to our pedagogical and curricular needs,” explains Clarkson. “When we audited our lab space, we realized that a full third of our current set-ups are allotted to teachers for preparation and presentation. We’re shifting that, breaking down those kinds of barriers, and giving space back to the students.”

The new facility will not only offer updated, flexible lab and learning spaces for students – it will also bring the Upper School science faculty together with shared office and collaborative spaces. It physically links science, math, and a new makerspace. And it supports independent research projects.

22,000 ft2 of number-crunching,
robot-building, formula-figuring, solution-mixing space.

Another benefit? Bringing math and science together in the new building creates an opportunity for the humanities subjects to come together
as well – world languages will move to the Upper School building, fostering even deeper interdisciplinary collaborations among history, literature, and languages.

“It’s a smarter use of resources that provides the versatility that we need. And having the whole department together opens up possibilities for collaboration and independent work that haven’t existed before,” says Greene.

With our new Center for Math and Science, CA is helping shape the kind of diverse, interdisciplinary thinkers needed to fuel the age of innovation, according to Phil DeSimone ’07 (left). That’s what he, co-founder of Silicon Valley startup Carbon3D, imparted to the CA community on November 27, 2017, as it kicked off the public phase of The Campaign for Cary Academy – the School’s first capital campaign – and celebrated the start of construction on the upcoming Center with a schoolwide launch party. Cary Academy co-founder Dr. Jim Goodnight also addressed the community, speaking about the Campaign and the Center, which are just a couple of ways we’re #SuperChargingNextGenInnovators.

Learn about the Campaign: blogs.caryacademy.org/ca2020

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