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Middle School band awarded top honors

March 20, 2019

The Middle School Band was Awarded the top honor of Superior from the judges, yesterday, at the NC Central District Bandmasters Association Music Performance Adjudication (MPA).  An MPA is a music performance festival and competition in which dozens of schools from across the state compete.

The group did a wonderful job and Band Director Lester Turner is excited to report that all of their energy and efforts paid off in the best way possible.  The last time Cary Academy’s Band received a Superior at MPA was back in 2007. Turner explains, “this is a fantastic success for the group and will help drive us forward…  I hope all the students enjoyed the experience and I know for me, it was awesome to make music with them.”

Please take a moment to congratulate them as you see them around campus.

We hope you will join the CA Middle School band for their spring concert at CA on Thursday, April 4th at 7pm.

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