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On GivingTuesday, help make generosity go viral

November 26, 2019

Holidays in the United States center around the values of giving and gratitude. But, these values can often be eclipsed by the lure of Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales, shifting our focus from the needs of our community to our own personal wants.

Fortunately, seven years ago a group of do-gooders in New York set out on a mission to elevate philanthropy once again. #GivingTuesday is “a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration.”

On Tuesday, December 3, 2019, Cary Academy is calling on our community to help make generosity go viral across our campus. We are partnering with the Diaper Bank of North Carolina, a nonprofit committed to ensuring every family in North Carolina has access to basic necessities to support their dignity, health, and quality of life.

This is not the first time we’ve worked with this vital agency – during Hurricane Florence relief efforts in 2018, many CA families contributed diapers, adult incontinence items, baby wipes, and more to reduce the burden on families whose lives had been upended by the natural disaster. In fact, both Middle and Upper School students have dedicated their time to supporting the Diaper Bank’s efforts, from sorting at the warehouse to spreading awareness about the nonprofit’s mission and vision.

The need for these supplies is still as urgent today. In particular, the Diaper Bank of NC requests disposable diapers in sizes 4 and 5; adult incontinence items; feminine hygiene products (tampons, sanitary napkins); and baby wipes. Good news: even if your package of diapers/products is open, the Diaper Bank of NC can still accept and distribute the items! 

Why is Cary Academy choosing to spotlight another nonprofit organization on GivingTuesday rather than ask for gifts to support financial aid, enhanced learning experiences, and other mission-aligned activities? 

Because that’s why GivingTuesday is all about. This is an opportunity for students, families, employees, and supporters to engage in community-centric philanthropy. This is a time where we can put into action the lessons of our Center for Community Engagement: how can we take actions of all sizes to build more equitable, resilient communities? It starts by taking care of people in the ways most needed. So, we’re seeking to be responsive to the Diaper Bank of NC and asking you to be a part of this one-day blitz of giving. 

How can you participate? On Tuesday, December 3, bring your donations to campus between 7:00am – 5:00pm. Drop-off bins will be available outside the Middle School, Upper School, and Administration Building. You can bring items to the Development wing at any point. 

Items Needed: 

  • Disposable diapers (sizes 4 and 5 in greatest need) 
  • Adult incontinence items 
  • Feminine hygiene supplies (tampons, sanitary napkins) 
  • Baby wipes 

Here’s the bonus: Members of the Cary Academy community have each committed to donating $1 to the CA Fund for each Diaper Bank donation made in recognition of philanthropy! Not only will our GivingTuesday efforts extend to families across the great state of North Carolina, but your support will also generate resources that are invested in our service learning and work experience programs, which will keep our students engaged in relevant, urgent issues. 

The founders of #GivingTuesday believed that the social sector had the capacity to show more innovative leadership, creativity, and collaboration.” Cary Academy is a prime example of what can happen when these three intangibles come together for the greater good. This December 3, let’s recommit to these values in the spirit of creating change for the greater good. 


Written by Katie Todd, CA Fund Director

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