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CA Curious

Year 4 Update

July 30, 2019

Below is our annual update on the school’s strategic plan. Earlier in the year, HOS Mike Ehrhardt shared an update with parents on the school’s strategic vision. You can check out that (rather long) video here.

Goal 1: Institutional Flexibility

Cary Academy will create institutional flexibility to facilitate innovative and dynamic learning experiences.

  • Continued work on the Master Learning Team to include a definition of personalized learning and professional development in alternative assessment. Offered faculty “Innovative Curriculum Grants” to spur curriculum development.
  • Developed new 11th and 12th grade trimester pathways for English and world languages. As a result of curriculum review cycle, new electives offered in PE and arts. Expanded MS minors rotations.

Goal 2: Authentic Engagement

Cary Academy will foster the intellectual and cultural elasticity needed to adapt and thrive in the world.

  • Continued Dialogue work, with all-school dialogue on political identity offered in the fall and employee winter dialogue on school climate and culture. Began more detailed training and rollout of advisory-based dialogues.
  • Launched Center for Community Engagement and, after comprehensive review, hired new director for Equity and Community Engagement.
  • Launched student-directed “Community Engagement” course focused on poverty and inequality in Raleigh; expanded work experience program for third year in a row; and launched pilot of Learning Sprint program.
  • Conducted R&D for entrepreneurship programming, with new course scheduled for next year and partnership with MIT for design challenge club.

Goal 3: Strong Connections

Cary Academy will strengthen existing relationships and build new connections to embrace multiple perspectives and opportunities.

  • Reached full staffing for Communications Office and updated CA Weekly and social media usage with focus on adding video storytelling; released RFP for website redesign.
  • Developed admissions partnership with Parents of African American Students (PAAS) to recruit and retain students.
  • Reimagined summer programming to include partnerships with NC SLI, Dream Academy, and the Daniels Center.
  • Formed Triangle Debate League to connect CA debate team with students in schools without debate programs.

Goal 4: Appropriate Resources

Cary Academy will build the professional and learning environments necessary to realize our strategic vision.

  • Opened Center for Math and Science and neared fundraising goal.
  • Secured $50K in funding for two- and three-week summer institutes as part of community outreach.
  • Developed designs and funding plans for Admin/Library and Upper School renovations.
  • Created new team (LTx) to expand voice and training of mid-level leadership.
  • Launched new HR system (Ultipro), completed 8-month review of student information system (Veracross) and began transition to new system (Blackbaud) for fall of 2019.
  • Installed new security system, with 33 cameras and badge access of doors.
  • Conducted review and update of faculty stipend system, as part compensation review process. Began review of staff merit-pay system.

Written by Mike Ehrhardt, Head of School


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