SciOly at Duke

Upper School

Strong showing for Science Olympiad team at Duke

January 21, 2020

On Saturday, January 18, twenty-five Cary Academy students competed at the Second Annual Duke Invitational for Science Olympiad. CA’s team competed with 33 top schools from North Carolina, Virginia, and New York. The competition consisted of 24 events covering biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, computer science, engineering, and general problem-solving.

Despite being shorthanded due to flu, the varsity team took 17th place, overall; junior varsity placed 31st amongst stiff competition. Han Zhang ’21 and Eric Wang ’20 came in 4th, overall, in the Fossils category.

Upper School science teacher MaLi Bennet reflects, “we had fun, learned more things, and even ran into some alums! Hopefully, everyone will be healthy for our regional tournament on February 1!”

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