Cary Academy CMS

CA Curious

From Hammers & Hats to Taste & Toast

January 24, 2019

This past fall, as I was getting settled into my role (after I’d found where Charger Corner was, but before I’d figured out what time US lunch was on Wednesdays), Dr. Ehrhardt stopped in to share an idea. He said, “Let’s have the Taste and Toast be the first thing we do in the new building!” As I looked across the US parking lot and saw the columns secured in place with the brick in the background, I agreed. 

Last Friday, in anticipation of the Taste and Toast this coming weekend, I found myself over in the new building. I donned my hard hat, closed-toed shoes, and protective eyewear. “Nine days to go!” Dr. Ehrhardt announced as we walked in. As if on cue, the miter saw revved up, carefully cutting boards to go inside the ceiling, covering up electrical wiring. I nodded reassuringly. 

“Here is where we’ll hang the new athletic banners,” he said, pointing to a wall, partially finished, partially covered in plaster. “And refreshments will be served in the MakerSpace, right where that scissor lift is.” Through the dust cloud and past the extension cords, I saw the outline of said scissor lift. I’ll be honest, refreshments did not come to mind. 

“I hope the speakers are working by then!” he shouted over the noise of the nail gun. “What?!” I yelled back. “The speakers!” he yelled, just as the nail gun stopped. The entire construction crew knows how much he’s hoping the speakers work. 

Miter saws, lifts, and nail guns aside, the Town of Cary has given its blessing for the building to open for occupation this coming Sunday. The environmental lab and greenhouse may not have plants yet. The labs may not have chemicals yet. The MakerSpace may not have its fields yet. But the CMS, the Center for Math and Science, the new building, is done. It is ready to be explored, to be occupied, and to be enveloped into our community. The hallways are waiting for the feel of footsteps. The conference rooms are waiting for students to learn independently. The labs are waiting for thirsty discoverers. And the doors are waiting to be opened. 

So, come out on Sunday and let’s raise a toast to so much more than a new building – a new way to learn, a new way to foster curiosity, a new place to collaborate, and a new way to educate our community. 

To register for the event, click here.

No hard hat necessary (but maybe wear your closed-toed shoes…) 

Written by Ali Page, Director of Development

CA Curious

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