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Attendance and Punctuality

To maintain a safe and productive work environment, we expect you to be reliable and to be punctual in reporting for scheduled work. Attendance and punctuality are considered good measures of your dependability and are given consideration in granting compensation increases and promotions.  In those instances when you cannot avoid being late to work or are unable to work as scheduled, you should notify your supervisor as soon as possible in advance of the anticipated tardiness or absence.  If your supervisor is not available at the time notification is given, you should notify another employee in your department at that time and then connect with your supervisor later in the day (if possible).  All regular part-time and full-time employees are expected to attend mandatory employee meetings and professional development activities unless excused in advance by your supervisor; you may be required to attend a makeup meeting at a later date.  When attending conferences or other professional functions away from campus, employees are expected to attend these events as they would a regular workday.  Each division may have more specific policies and procedures that need to be followed regarding attendance and punctuality.  Please consult your supervisor to make sure you have this information. 

Pay for time lost from work due to reasons that are not job-related will be handled in accordance with Cary Academy’s leave policies, if applicable.  Tardiness and excessive absenteeism place a burden on other employees and on Cary Academy operations and may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.  If you are absent from work for more than three (3) consecutive scheduled workdays without notifying Cary Academy, you will be regarded as having resigned without notice (i.e., job abandonment), effective as of the start of the workday on the fourth day of absence.

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