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Professional Growth and Renewal Process (Supportive)

As an organization committed to discovery, innovation, collaboration, and excellence, Cary Academy does not utilize the traditional “annual performance evaluation,” opting instead to take a more employee-driven approach to professional growth.

  • The Cary Academy Professional Growth and Renewal Program is designed to be:
  • personalized to each employee;
  • informed by well-defined characteristics of professional excellence;
  • driven by the employee’s own self-assessment;
  • supported by collaborative relationships between the employee and the employee’s supervisors; and 
  • strengthened by a variety of internal and external professional learning opportunities that energize and excite.

During the first two years of employment at the school, all new, regularly budgeted employees are supported by an onboarding program that provides opportunities to learn about the school’s mission, culture, values, and best practices while also receiving individualized feedback on performance relative to core position responsibilities.

Once employees complete the onboarding program, they move into a framework focusing on individual growth and continual improvement. In this phase, more responsibility falls on the employee to maintain their own professional growth and renewal plan and to seek out coaching or other specific feedback about their performance that fits their needs and individual/professional career goals.   

Frameworks for the Teaching Faculty and Non-Teaching Employees will be made available by Division Heads.


Coaches meet with the Athletic Director at the end of each season.

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