Employee Reference Policy
In an effort to accommodate employment reference requests and minimize the potential problems associated with giving employment references, Cary Academy requires all former employees to have a signed release on file with the Human Resources in order to receive detailed references from Cary Academy.
Employees should not provide employment references for former employees unless they have confirmed with Human Resources that the former employee has a signed release on file. If there is no release on file, all reference calls will be directed to Human Resources for confirmation of the dates of employment, title and salary information only.
When providing a reference for another employee, it is important that you fully disclose the nature of your professional relationship with that employee and only speak about topics for which you have enough first-hand information to provide an accurate portrayal. For this reason, only an employee’s supervisor or the Head of School may provide a comprehensive reference regarding an employee’s performance. Always keep in mind that you are speaking on behalf of the school. It is not possible to classify a reference as “personal” or “off the record” while you are an employee of Cary Academy.