Records Maintenance
Personal employee information is considered confidential and, as such, will be shared only as required and with those who have a legitimate “need to know” for School purposes related to the operations of Cary Academy.
All payroll and employee benefit information is maintained on your employee record in UKG (the School’s employee information and payroll software platform). All hiring information and employee performance documentation is maintained in a separate file in the Office of the Head of School. You may view your file upon reasonable notice by making an appointment with the Office of the Head of School. All personnel files remain the property of Cary Academy at all times, and as such, Cary Academy retains all rights as to what records may or may not be viewed. An employee will no longer have access to his/her personnel records, including all information that is retained in UKG, upon termination. This includes all paychecks, W-2 statements, and benefits documentation. It is the employee’s responsibility to obtain any records he/she may need in the future prior to his/her last day of employment.