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It is a pleasure to welcome you to Cary Academy. You have been selected to join our team because we believe you have the skills, experience, and interests needed to excel in your position and make a positive contribution to the community. We realize that our employees are our greatest resource, and we are committed to providing a work environment that affords you the opportunity to succeed.

This Employee Handbook is designed to introduce you to the policies and practices that affect you directly.  We have also outlined some of your responsibilities as a Cary Academy employee.  Based on your position, there may be additional policies, practices, and responsibilities that are applicable; your supervisor will provide you with this additional information.  Throughout the Handbook, you will find Cary Academy, also referred to as “the School,” “CA,” or “we.” Please reach out to your supervisor or the Human Resources (HR) Manager if you need clarification on any of the information you read in this Handbook.  Once you have read the Handbook, please accept the acknowledgment in the HR System, UKG.

We are committed to providing a professional, inclusive, and supportive work environment. The information in this Employee Handbook is presented as informally as possible. Because no two employment situations are ever exactly alike, the policies described in the Employee Handbook must have some flexibility. Therefore, the School may modify the implementation of the policies summarized here when the School determines that particular circumstances warrant individualized consideration.

The policies and practices contained within this Employee Handbook supersede any policies or practices or employee handbooks previously issued by the School.

With the exception of the “at-will” employment policy, the School reserves the right to interpret, revise, supplement, or rescind any policies or portion of the Employee Handbook from time to time as it deems appropriate, in its sole and absolute discretion.  In such an event, you will be notified of any changes made during the year, and the most up-to-date version of this Handbook will be maintained on the Cary Academy intranet for your review and printing at any time. 

The policies, practices, and benefits summarized in this Employee Handbook have been adopted voluntarily by the School and do not create any contractual rights, promises, or obligations of any kind with respect to the terms or conditions of employment.  While the School values you and looks forward to continuing a mutually satisfactory employment relationship with you, it should still be recognized that, unless otherwise set forth in an express, written employment contract between you and the Head of School, neither you nor the School has entered into any contract of employment, express or implied, and the employment relationship between the School and you remains “at-will,”  meaning either you or Cary Academy may terminate the relationship at any time, with or without notice and for any reason or for no reason.

We hope that you will find that as a learning community committed to discovery, innovation, collaboration, and excellence, Cary Academy’s commitment to its mission begins with you.  We wish you great success!

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